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NEESA LXP SILVER Level 1 Practical Exam

Examinee Information



All beauty professionals who are trained, licensed, and qualified to perform eyelash extensions in their state or country are eligible to earn their NEESA LXP SILVER Level 1 credential, by passing the written and practical exam.  Proof of licensure and/or qualification is required.


Minimum passing grade for the LXP SILVER Level 1 exam is 80% on the written portion AND 80% on the practical portion.


In the event an examinee does not pass one or both portions of the exam, they will need to schedule and attend a re-take within six months of the unsuccessful exam, at a lesser fee.


Examinees are required to bring all supplies, tools, and equipment needed to perform all aspects of the LXP Level 1 Practical Exam, as well as a model, unless otherwise noted.


NEESA will provide the use of a massage bed, side table, folding chair, and a power outlet.


Examinees will be required to demonstrate, and will be marked on the following:

  1. Sanitation/disinfection/sterilization of the hands and implements

  2. Sanitary work station setup (disposable coverings, masks, lash palette, etc.)

  3. Care taken to avoid cross-contamination (lash trays, de-tacking tape, double dipping)

  4. Safe and efficient protection of the lower eyelashes

  5. Careful pressure around they eyes with tweezers

  6. Ability to apply 10 extension to one eye (including prep/check time) in 30 minutes

  7. Clean application and isolation with no eyelashes stuck together (uppers and lowers)

  8. Lash placement – pointing relatively straight and not leaning to one side.  Not too far or too close to the skin (0.5-1mm) and never touching the skin

  9. Adhesive control – no visible lumps of adhesive, no flooding of the eyelid

  10. Solid base adhesion with the extension securely attached to the natural lash

  11. Client comfort and safety measures such as maintaining a seal on the eyes, even when using tape on the eyelid.

  12. Ability to troubleshoot client challenges such as watering or fluttering of the eye.

  13. Safe and comfortable removal of eyelash extensions with proper under eye skin protection used, and thorough cleansing of the remover to prevent stinging.

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